62 results found
Is Agile Breaking Product Management?
The success of agile development methods has had a detrimental effect on product management. The role used to be clear but what is today’s profile for product management success? Agile methods are great but the intense focus on product development has ignored the business and marketing roles of product management. Product management activities extend beyond development to shepherding the product through the entire process from idea to creation to delivery to customers.
Learn about the four roles of product management and how they can super-charge your team.
38 votes -
Branding: Companies, Products, and Consumers
Brands make a statement. Brand recognition helps to sell products and ideas. Are you launching a product with an overarching parent brand? Are you a start-up breaking into a market, looking to build a brand presence? Your Logo is a memory to the consumer, they will relate that to a feeling or experience. What do you want to stamp in their mind? What feeling do your want to evoke? Do you know your product but not your brand identity? Come to this branding session to learn more about defining, visioning and creating a brand that has legs, and will hit…
142 votes -
The Dirty Dozen Roadmap Roadblocks
You’re about to show the product roadmap you’ve slaved over to your executives, your key customers or your sales team. What could possibly go wrong?
In the sequel to the most popular session at PCamp Boston 2013, Bruce McCarthy, Chief Product Person at UpUp Labs, Vice President and Chief Evangelist for the BPMA, and popular speaker, will explore the myriad mistakes product people make when developing product roadmaps.
He’ll explore what happens when you:
- Focus on features
- Try too hard to please
- Don't get buy-in
- Prioritize on gut
- Fail to tell a story
And he'll tell you what you can…
77 votes -
Let's Reverse Diabetes!
In this session we'll build a product designed to reverse Type 2 diabetes using Lean Start Up methodologies.
Learn by doing. Bring your skills from business, marketing, design and engineering to solve this major problem in a short session.
No medical domain expertise is required!
We'll provide the background information you need to address this problem in collaborative teams & have fun at the same time. See below.
Preparation/Homework: If you read the following. You'll be prepared for a productive session.
Terms to Learn about (Google them)
Type 2 Diabetes
Hemoglobin A1c
InsulinBackground Paper:
http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa012512Our Competition: http://tde.sagepub.com/content/early/2014/04/10/0145721714531339.abstract
131 votes -
Dev backlog vs Product backlog vs Roadmap
A never ending discussion on what's important and what are we developing vs what's my roadmap brings every stakeholder in organization on a discussion table. The debate can only become meaningful if a Product manager brings an effective conclusion.
Learn what belong where and what can make way for deliverable product.
33 votes -
Transitioning into Product Management
In this interactive session Sarela Bliman-Cohen and Bruce McCarthy will lead a discussion on transitioning from a technology (or other) role into product management. They will share their experience and address topics such as how to work effectively cross functionally, the importance of customer engagements and the various responsibilities of this role. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions, share their experience and understand the key attributes of a product manager.
38 votes -
Increasing the importance of Product Management/Product Marketing in your company
What can you do starting Monday May 5 to positively impact your role and your company?
Steve Johnson and Saeed Khan will lead an interactive session with the audience to identify specific actionable items that you can use to raise the visibility, value and importance of Product Management/Product Marketing in your company.
Let's face it; in many companies Product Management/Product Marketing are not living up to their true potential. There are many reasons for this including company culture, staffing levels, job descriptions, empowerment etc.
But the good news is that you can change that for the better. Empower yourself by…
32 votes -
Managing Product Platforms: Best Practices for Creating Value and Network Effects
YouTube brings video creators and viewers together. KickStarter brings those seeking funding together with investors. eBay brings buyers and sellers together and facilitates transactions. Quora helps users interact to ask and answer questions. Twitter, WhatsApp, Airbnb, Uber, Wikipedia, PayPal, the list goes on…
These are examples of products that connect “those that produce something” with “those that consume something”? If your product fits this general definition, welcome to the world of Product Platforms.
Without users, there’s no value and without value, users just won’t show up. So how do you solve this problem and manage for growth?
When it comes…30 votes -
How to succeed as a first time Product Manager
I have done several things that worked well as a first time product manager. And done several things that failed spectacularly.
This is a set of reflections on those things, and my advice for people starting their Product Management Careers.
48 votes -
Agile Product Ownership: Passions, Puzzles, Prouds & Sorries
Go deep on the topic of being an Agile product owner in this engaging, informative session. In a Lean Coffee™ - a lightly structured yet agenda-less session – everyone participates. The group selects the topics, discusses their experiences, and learns from each other. Bring your brain, energy, curiosity, passions, puzzles, “prouds” and “sorries”. You don’t need to be an expert or have in-depth experience in Agile product ownership to add and obtain value.
Ellen Gottesdiener facilitates the Lean Coffee™, as she did at the Product Management Festival in Zurich this past September. (The session was considered a highlight of the…
23 votes -
Boost Adoption and Engagement with Unsexy Content
You already have a marketing strategy that includes creating fresh, relevant content to increase awareness and adoption of your product. But there’s an often overlooked tool you can use to invigorate your existing user base and potentially turn them into evangelists.
Educational content isn’t exciting. BUT if it’s available when your users need it most, and it’s clear and truly helpful, then you’ll convert them from a passive consumers to vocal advocates of your product. The secret is knowing where, when and with which medium (on your website, via email, in-app alerts, blog posts, tweets, etc.) to deliver messages your…
73 votes -
Product Management Metrics: Think, Decide and Act
Managing your product requires the ability to make business investment decisions, but what measures are needed? This presentation will provide an overview market focused measures to quickly identify operational metrics, product performance metrics and marketing execution improvements to achieve product and business goals.
72 votes -
Workshop: 3 Lean Six Sigma Techniques To Help You Focus On What's Really Important For Any Product or Process
Narrowing your focus is extremely important when it comes to figuring out the most important aspects of your product or process of interest.
After all, everything cannot be of equal importance.
So how do you go about figuring out what's more (or most) important?Using 3 Lean Six Sigma Techniques in conjunction - traditionally used in manufacturing environments, you can arrive at this conclusion very easily.
These are:
a) The IPO Diagram
b) The Process Flow Diagram
c) The Fishbone DiagramUsing these techniques, you can then perform analyses like figuring out what your MVP could be for example (see…
15 votes -
You Built It - Now Will They Buy It? 3 Sure-Fire Ways to Build Demand and Improve Marketing
Let's face it: Most marketing campaigns are pretty lousy. We can fix this -- by breaking a few simple rules.
In a fast-paced, interactive workshop, we’ll map how to grab distracted buyers – and get them wanting more. You’ll leave with real-world tips to
• Boost email click-throughs – (how does s a 600% gain sound?) as much as 600%
• Grow your pipeline 100% with a campaign prospects can’t ignore
• How to play this up for free PRThis interactive, practical presentation is hosted by Amy Bermar, who has been launching companies, and products, for a few decades…
20 votes -
"What's My Job?" - Clarifying Your Role to Make a Difference
I’m Steven Haines, author of The Product Manager’s Desk Reference and The Product Manager’s Survival Guide. One of the insights that have become clear to me, though posts on Linkedin and from other research I carry out, is that there’s still a fair amount of confusion about the role of the product manager. To address this, I’m going to conduct an inter-active mini-workshop that will lay out the foundational building blocks that will clarify the role of the product manager and help you better understand the possibilities so that you can harness your future! By the way, I’ll also conduct…
50 votes -
Manage & Market Your Presence
Become an even more compelling communicator through dynamic, interactive exercises. Develop skills to enhance your presence and engage your listener.
You will
* communicate ideas persuasively
* discover how effective you can be
* bolster confidence
* have funWith Communication Skills Expert & Speech Coach, Lauren Garlick who maximizes her extensive experience in perfecting presentations and proposals.
7 votes -
8 votes
Requirements, Stories, and Agile — Oh My!
Traditional requirements deliverables like MRDs (Market Requirements Documents) and PRDs (Product Requirements Documents) have no place in Agile… right? Or do they? Many teams throw out most “traditional” product management techniques when implementing agile, often to run into problems when it comes to planning, roadmapping, and aligning with other functions like marketing. So are MRDs and PRDs the answer? Or is there another way to have some structure while at the same time getting the benefits of agile? This session will talk about what is different about requirements within an agile environment — what product managers need to stop doing,…
34 votes -
The Art of Rapid Prototyping
With today's highly interactive software, designing on paper is not enough. Without being able to play with the interface, you can't really know how it will work. Rather than putting this off to the development phase or an explicit prototyping phase, start prototyping while designing. Learn how to build quick prototypes to answer specific design questions.
Prototyping during the design process unlocks a deeper understanding of the system being designed, especially in today's world of highly interactive software. We all understand the value interactive prototypes can add to the design process, but prototyping can be unwieldy and quickly grow in…5 votes -
The Art of the Survey (and interview): why companies often build the wrong products
For some reason, I’m strangely attracted to taking surveys. They seem like a great window into the minds of survey creators.
They may also explain a lot about why companies often build the wrong products.
When done well, surveys can often answer important questions and occasionally provide some real insights.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
But, most surveys aren’t very good. They tend to be the creation of either a wandering and curious mind or worse, they are the result of the corporate take-everyone’s ideas process. They also suffer from selection bias, poor completion rates and bad statistical…
5 votes