7 results found
Women in Product Management - Perilous Path or Rewarding Roadmap?
An opportunity to network with other women in product management/product marketing and share stories. What unique challenges do women face? What unique capabilities do women bring to the role? How have you gone about finding role models or mentors? How have you gone about overcoming obstacles? A session filled with stories, facts, ideas, observations, and jokes.
6 votes -
Manage & Market Your Presence
Become an even more compelling communicator through dynamic, interactive exercises. Develop skills to enhance your presence and engage your listener.
You will
* communicate ideas persuasively
* discover how effective you can be
* bolster confidence
* have funWith Communication Skills Expert & Speech Coach, Lauren Garlick who maximizes her extensive experience in perfecting presentations and proposals.
7 votes -
Transitioning into Product Management
In this interactive session Sarela Bliman-Cohen and Bruce McCarthy will lead a discussion on transitioning from a technology (or other) role into product management. They will share their experience and address topics such as how to work effectively cross functionally, the importance of customer engagements and the various responsibilities of this role. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions, share their experience and understand the key attributes of a product manager.
38 votes -
How to succeed as a first time Product Manager
I have done several things that worked well as a first time product manager. And done several things that failed spectacularly.
This is a set of reflections on those things, and my advice for people starting their Product Management Careers.
48 votes -
Finding and growing great product managers
Great product managers are always in high demand. But they can come from lots of unexpected places; in fact they must, because they need to possess elements of lots of other specialties – design, engineering, sales, marketing, business, etc. So where do you find them? How can you tell if that guy with the theatre degree and 2 years’ experience doing product support just might have the instinct to make your product a legend? A posting on LinkedIn for a Product Manager just might be the worst way to find what your product really needs. This talk will consider some…
4 votes -
Power Cues for Geeks: how to lead groups, persuade others, and maximize your personal impact
What if someone told you that your behavior was controlled by a powerful, invisible force? Most of us would be skeptical – but it’s largely true. Most of our communication is unconscious and we’re constantly transmitting and receiving signals of which we’re unaware. Studies show that these constant inputs drive the great majority of our decisions about what to do next – and we only become conscious of the decisions after we start acting on them.
Many may find that disturbing. But the implications for leadership are profound.
In this provocative yet practical talk, renowned leadership speaking coach and communication…
21 votes -
"What's My Job?" - Clarifying Your Role to Make a Difference
I’m Steven Haines, author of The Product Manager’s Desk Reference and The Product Manager’s Survival Guide. One of the insights that have become clear to me, though posts on Linkedin and from other research I carry out, is that there’s still a fair amount of confusion about the role of the product manager. To address this, I’m going to conduct an inter-active mini-workshop that will lay out the foundational building blocks that will clarify the role of the product manager and help you better understand the possibilities so that you can harness your future! By the way, I’ll also conduct…
50 votes