Three Myths that Can Harm Your Product and Career (and What to Do About Them)
We often make assumptions about how to perform the role of product marketing or product management. Often, these assumptions are not based on facts or reality. In this session we will bust these common myths that can destroy products and careers.
Some of the topics we will discuss are:
• The true purpose of your value proposition (it is not what you think)
• The brain science behind why we struggle to sell value
• New research to help you can increase the effectiveness of your sales team
• Why the curse of knowledge is so deadly to your products
• The reasons why a revenue shortfall may not be the fault of the sales team
In addition, we will go into more detail on some of the techniques and tools that contributed to the success of Litle & Co.
Litle’s story is covered in the session Litle & Co.’s Secrets to Increasing Corporate Valuation By Selling Value-Added Services.
Neil Baron of Baron Strategic Partners will lead this session.