Hammers, Anvils, and Hot Iron - Forging Partnerships
All product managers need to build relationships with internal and in many cases external partners. When engaging with business units like sales or finance or when you engage with partners who are building your products, or (gasp!) who are buying/distributing them - you need to keep everyone on your side. What are some of the key parts of making these relationships work. How do you form the partnerships? How do you build off of relationships handed over to you? What do you do to maintain, build on, and leverage relationships in the product arena when you need them the most? How do you know when the hammer doesn't fit the nail. We'll dissect the ideal and not-so-ideal partners, and engage the group in some real dialogue on the type of partner-smithing necessary to build the next generation of products well. Real-life audience experiences welcome!
Slides are posted to SlidesShare at http://www.slideshare.net/ProductCampBoston/forging-partnerships-ananda-chakravarty-product-camp-boston-may-2013